Support Us

The Hosking Houses Trust is always grateful for any donations. You can donate online via JustGiving or direct via Standing Order or a cheque. Please see below for more information.

Online donations

JustGiving is a secure way to donate online. Simply use the JustGiving button on the right and follow the instructions. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can apply Gift Aid to your donation. (See more about Gift Aid below.)

Direct Donations

If you would like to make a donation directly to the Trust, there are two ways in which you can do so.

Standing Order

If you would like to make an annual or monthly donation, the easiest way is via a standing order.

The Trust’s bank details are:

Account number: 02290333
Sort code: 30-98-26
Name: The Hosking Houses Trust


For a one-off donation please send a cheque made payable to ‘The Hosking Houses Trust’ to the address below and indicate if you would like to consider Gift Aid tax relief, in which case, we will send you a Gift Aid form (see ‘Gift Aid’ below).

Sarah Hosking
Hosking Houses Trust
33, The Square
Clifford Chambers
CV37 8HT

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer you can donate to the Trust via the Government’s Gift Aid scheme. This will enable us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. Just let us know by emailing and we will send you a Gift Aid declaration form to complete.

Please note the following in relation to Gift Aid.

You should:

  • Pay enough UK income tax and/or capital gains tax themselves to cover the amount of tax the Hosking Houses Trust will reclaim
  • Complete a Gift Aid declaration form, including your name, home address and details of the donation you would like to make.

A declaration can be made to cover individual donations, a series of donations or donations made during a specified period, all future donations.

You can backdate a declaration for Gift Aid for up to six years prior to the date of the declaration, provided the donation was made after 6 April 2000.

Tax Relief on donations

If you pay the basic rate of tax, you will not be able to claim further tax relief on donations

If you pay the higher rate of tax, you can claim higher rate relief on the payments by entering your donations in the Gift Aid box on your self assessment tax return. If you receive a form P810 you can declare your Gift Aid payments on this.

For more information, please visit the HM Revenue and Customs website.